2022, New Posts


“Peace be still.”

What does it mean to be still?

Radiate joy, tranquility calm, like water flowing over the rocks, unafraid and confident, soft and nurturing. Only in the absence of peace do we feel it’s strong pull, it’s deep desire to satisfy the human soul. Just as the soft, gentle wind is comforting and enveloping like a soft blanket, tugging at your shoulders in an embrace so soft, begging you to sit and stay a while.

Nature is beauty in all its forms. It’s strength like the ash or majestic like the oak tree, or soft and cool like a river rock bathed in the clear sweet embrace of water. Maybe it’s the majestic hawk effortlessly gliding through the air, open, honest, free. If the plain were not everything, would we humans ever find the courage to reach beyond ourselves into the unknown?

Whatever way you choose, choose wisely for from your thoughts flow the essence of good and evil. Where it resides and lives determines your future course of action.

Peace. Be still. Rest in the uncertainty of your next breath enjoying its ultimate thrill as you discover yet another breath, and another, spring you ontowards life ever changing.

Till another time.


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